Monday, December 26, 2011

Haitian Vacation Day

Big Ship Lollipop
Dec 26th
Haitian fishermen  lobster fishing
 Today we helped the Reinhards take a Haitian Holiday.  It was a tough assignment but somebody had to do it!! :)  They arranged a water taxi ( Haitian of course) to take us to a sand bar to snorkel and then to a larger island for a picnic.   It was a beautiful day and once way from the icky wharf the water was clear clean and beautiful... along the shore it is bad... the houses along the shore dump pure waste into the water... ewww  as you pull out you see the outhouses all backed up to the water...  so we went away from all that and the sand bar was great! There were lots of shells and starfish. 

It was literally a 25ft pile of sand in the ocean.... between two small islands.  Nice and shallow great for snorkeling, not many fish but lots of shells and sea urchins ect.

After we snorkeled the water taxi took us to the small island and we went ashore to have a picnic.  Amazing how quickly we draw a crowd! the just come to watch, some come to sell shells ect. we had lunch, played in the water, some walked the beach up to a cave entrance where the waves crash in.  There is a resort on this island, we went and took a short tour of it.  Tim and Joan have stayed there and the board has stayed when here for meetings.  It is a nice getaway, doesn't seem like Haiti.  There is no fresh water on the island though, so all the water they use has to be brought in or rain water caught.  They use wind power, diesel generators and solar  on this island for electricity.  Infrastructure (electricity, water, ect)  is majorly lacking on the main island of Haiti, let alone these smaller islands...

Sarah, out!  faith, pretending to snore..zzzzzz