We gathered in the basement and watched a dvd of a collection of home movies that my uncle had taken over the years... it was amazing to see great aunts and grandparents and loved ones that have since become memories... it doesn't seem that long ago! Pictures of downtown Eureka how I remember it was as a kid, all the different stores that were there that are now long gone away... life just keeps moving and I feel like I forget to enjoy it sometimes. Looking at my parents when they were the age that I am now... that's weird!! I have been telling my kids that I remember when my dad was the age that I will be turning in December... he could add his digits and make my age... when he was 41 I was 5...etc. it worked thru his 40's .
Today is my Dad's 81st birthday, I found him a card that had a newspaper, slippers, and a mug on the front. It reminded me of when I was little and I would go get him his slippers and then I would sit on his lap in his lazyboy chair and he would go through the funnies and read me each one and we would laugh about them together. He would fix his tea with sweetner stir it and tap the spoon on the rip of the cup 3 times then set the spoon aside. ... :) that part annoyed my Mom, she never could figure out why he needed to clink his spoon, "there isn't that much tea on it, just set it beside it... " haha they didn't bicker, but I remember that annoying her... :) When you spend an evening looking back at life from your childhood, the good times, the happy times - jumping out of boxes with your cousin for your grandpa's birthday... it makes me wonder if I am cherishing my time with my family enough, I'm sure I'm not... I don't know if you can cherish it enough.... Happy Birthday Dad!
I love the time that is spent around a table sharing a mug of coffee with friends. Whether it is my table, that of a friend's, or a coffee joint... for conversation of our latest Devotional reading, our Journey with Christ - or just- catching up; sharing hopes and dreams, laughs or tears - it is a blessing to be able to share these times. Here is my spot... whatever it becomes... I hope it's a blessing - the glory is God's. Whatever we do "Don't touch the glory"!

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Birthday Dad!!
Well, as I sit here thinking of how to form my thoughts into sentences, I am looking at Tori sleeping on the couch and listening to Izzy snore on his pillow... Izzy is worn out today from all his exercise last night at the Zim/Zob wiener roast. My cousins girls thoroughly enjoyed him and he can always use the exercise :) . Each of my parents only have one sibling, I have an Uncle on each side - and not Aunts other than their wives, which are Aunts but only by marriage, not Aunt aunts... you know... so my number of cousins is limited. I have 2 living first cousins on my Dad's side, and 5 on my Mom's side. that's it! 7 cousins. Last night those that were able to be there lined up for a picture like we used to at Christmas, in front of the fireplace, when we were little. As we stood there it seemed like such a small group of people for being mostly of all of my cousins... we were only short by one who couldn't make it and one who is in heaven. It is amazing how much of a hole one missing person makes.