I love the time that is spent around a table sharing a mug of coffee with friends. Whether it is my table, that of a friend's, or a coffee joint... for conversation of our latest Devotional reading, our Journey with Christ - or just- catching up; sharing hopes and dreams, laughs or tears - it is a blessing to be able to share these times. Here is my spot... whatever it becomes... I hope it's a blessing - the glory is God's. Whatever we do "Don't touch the glory"!

Saturday, March 13, 2010
So Tori sang a solo today in front of a judge and a classroom full of people. Where did these kids come from? I was so nervious for her! I couldn't look at her I was so afraid I would mess her up, as I listened I was like "is that tori's voice? Is that what she sounds like singing?" don't know that I've heard her seriously singing voice before, kind of an irish sound to it :0) . It is amazing to see your kids growing up and becoming their own person... a mix of us, but definitely their own personality... I never would have had the courage to do that!! Last Saturday Whittney sang with two groups of girls too for contest. these kids amaze me...