I am still taking in the same book, I found another gem today. This isn't word for word so
I didn't " " it... I think new rooms are build for each grandchild too... we have big hearts :)
Your Room
When a new baby is born, a new room is built onto the Mother`s heart – and no one else occupies that room. It doesn’t have to be bigger or better than any other rooms, it’s just their’s. "In My Father’s house are many rooms", Jesus said, and one of those was added on the day you became His Child. That one is your’s! … He has it for you.. it is furnished by every moment you spend with Him... just the two of you, you and Your Father… your very own SistineChapel, where you meet Him in your divine journey together. Your journey, nobody can walk your journey, it too is yours. In the Cosmic Choir no one can sing your song… it’s your song with/for Him.
From God is Closer Than You Think.