This Thanksgiving there is so much to think of and so much to be thankful for. New meaning to "family" has been reminded to me once again. The out the door and off to work, school, ect routine... back home to the rush to get something to eat and everyone is everywhere... try to connect and off to bed to do it all again... life.

Then one day you get one of those phone calls that stops your heart, I've experienced it before, you are never prepared for what you hear on the other end. It can drop you to your knees, spring you into action and prayer at the same time. I'm so thankful that God spared Whittney on the 12th. So thankful that He still has a plan for her, so thankful that we still get to enjoy her laugh, smile, sweetness and gentle spirit. A car attempted to cross the road she was taking and t-boned into her car. not a second too soon or a second too late, but right at the moment God intended. It took her for a spin, into a guardrail and drove her into a deep ditch, but we are so thankful it never rolled and that it didn't directly hit her door panel. When I arrived they were cutting her door off to get her out, I was able to talk with her, while she waited with her oxygen going, it was so good to see with my own eyes that she was ok. Then once out it was off to Methodist ER. Amazingly everything came out ok, nothing broken or internal injury.
The therapy for muscle damage has been painful for her, but we will take that!! Last Sunday we took our family pictures that we had scheduled few weeks ago. It just kept hitting me that week of how different my week could have been, so thankful we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving together as a complete family. ...and Miss Paisley is 5 months :)